Deals of the Day: Feb. 26


Rental car company leases former garage near Co-op City

Address: 4075-4077 Boston Road, Bronx
Landlord: Gadi Ben Hamo
Tenant: Avis Budget Group
Lease size: 21,400 square feet
Lease length: 20 years
Asset type: Retail
Brokers: Pinnacle Realty’s Ariel Castellanos and Federico Mazzeo represented the landlord. Lee & Associates NYC’s Steve Lorenzo and Garry Steinberg represented the tenant.


Upper East Side crepe shop and apartment building trades in foreclosure sale

Address: 1442 Lexington Ave., Manhattan
Seller: Ian Lagowitz, referee
Buyer: Rialto Capital Advisors
Sale price: $19.6 million
Asset type: Mixed use

Parking garage turned office building in SoHo changes hands

Address: 165 Mercer St., Manhattan
Seller: Batt family
Buyer: Spear Street Capital
Sale price: $40 million
Asset type: Mixed use


Affordable housing project Alafia lands construction, permanent and equity loan for second phase

Address: 20 Vital Ave., Brooklyn 
Owners: RiseBoro Community Partnership, L+M Development Partners and Apex Building Group
Lender: Merchants Capital 
Loan amount: $316 million 
Asset type: Mixed use