Deals of the Day: March 6


Movie theater returning to South Bronx’s Concourse Plaza

Address: 200-238 E. 161st St., Bronx
Landlord: The Feil Organization
Tenant: Regal
Lease size: 58,000 square feet
Asset type: Retail

Grocery store heads to Gowanus development

Address: 420 Carroll St., Brooklyn
Landlord: The Domain Cos.
Tenant: Gowanus Marketplace
Lease size: Approx. 2,250 square feet
Asset type: Retail
Brokers: Igloo’s Adam Joly represented the landlord.


Redeveloper of Stewart Hotel buys nearby Garment District site

Address: 363 Seventh Ave., Manhattan
Seller: Fred Ohebshalom
Buyer: Ray Yadidi
Sale price: $21.3 million
Asset type: Mixed use

Turtle Bay site with 22 apartments and two stores trades

Address: 246 E. 53rd St., Manhattan
Seller: Sofubo LLC
Buyers: Lockhill Properties and Kriss Capital
Sale price: $8.1 million
Asset type: Mixed use


New York University dormitory refinances

Address: 80 Lafayette St., Manhattan
Owner: Corigin Real Estate Group
Lender: Apollo Global Management
Loan amount: $180 million
Asset type: Student housing