LISTEN: Whitney Tilson Says NYC ‘Needs To Make Crime Illegal Again’

Looking at the “different flavors of career politicians” running in the Democratic mayoral primary, “I didn’t see anyone who could be independent of the machine that runs this city,” said former hedge fund manager Whitney Tilson. So he entered the race himself “to try and bring my party back to the center.”

In a wide-ranging sit-down interview with FAQ NYC hosts Christina Greer, Katie Honan and Harry Siegel — the latest in the pod’s series of interviews with the candidates — Tilson explained why “it needs to be against the law for anyone to sleep in our public spaces,” laid out his plans for a more efficient and accountable government, and argued that “our school system has a structural, systemic problem”:

Mayoral candidate Whitney Tilson speaks on the FAQ NYC podcast, Feb. 25, 2025. Credit: Alex Krales/THE CITY

“The adults in the system are incredibly well funded, well organized in the most politically powerful entities in the city — and the kids don’t vote. So that’s why you have a system that naturally will serve the serve the adults in the system, often at the expense of kids. The only way to combat that is to one, have mayoral control and two, a mayor that will use that control.”

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